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Tuesday, July 8, 2014



It all began well enough.....

The Rig rolled out of Pambula Beach on Saturday morning with a provisional destination of Bateman's Bay.  But as the ploughman said to the startled fieldmouse,
"The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglay"

The previous day the Prop and Mrs P had visited Mrs P's aged aunt who had recently removed from Albury to Pambula (as distinct from Pambula Beach).  At the suggestion of the aged aunt we travelled to Tathra to inspect the still vacant beachfront property newly-acquired by the aged aunt's daughter (Mrs P's cousin).  Not content with an external inspection of the messuage, the aged aunt insisted she knew the whereabouts of a hidden key so we could gain entry.

In fact it would have been more accurate for the aged aunt to have said that she was sure that there was a key somewhere but that she had forgotten just where it was.

In the event the enthusiastic (and noisy) efforts of the aged aunt to locate the alleged key attracted the attention of a burly neighbour who intercepted the Prop in the back yard of the premises and began making allegations which were inconsistent with him believing that the Prop's is an honest man!

It was not until the aged aunt (whom the burly neighbour recognised) emerged from a shed that the burly neighbour was prepared to accept that the Prop and Mrs P were not malefactors.

But back to Saturday.

Not far north of Bega, the Prop spotted a sign which invited him to take the "tourist drive" to Bateman's Bay via Bermagui.  The Prop had heard of Bermagui but had never been there.  Mrs P disclosed that as a child, she had been on many a day trip to Bermagui while holidaying at nearby Tuross Lake.  Enough said!  The Prop guided the Rig into Bermagui and, struck by its beauty, decided to head for the Bermagui "Zane Grey" Tourist Park. (Look up Zane Grey on the internet - American author and big game fisherman)

So pleasant was Bermagui that it was decided that we would spend a second night at the Zane Gray.

It was in this way that destiny bit the Prop on the buttocks - hard!

Up betimes on Sunday morning to explore more of the attractions of Bermagui and environs.  One such attraction is a man made ocean swimming pool known as the "Blue Pool".  As we approached the attraction, Mrs P, momentarily distracted by the breeching of a whale in the near distance, failed to notice a fairly well-concealed kerb in the pavement, stepped into mid air and fell fracturing BOTH wrists  and striking her head on a fence post in the process!
                             Bega District Hospital - a nice place for a holiday

Pain - ambulance - Bega Hospital - more pain - surgery - even more pain - morphine - a bit less pain - panadol - difficulty knitting and attending to personal hygeine - bummer!


So while Mrs P was detained in the Bega District Hospital adjacent to the Maternity Ward ("From Here to Maternity") the Prop has been doing the 60 k "commute" (as the Americans would have it)  from Bermagui to said Hospital for the past three days.

                 Beautiful Bermagui - the civil engineering leaves a lot to be desired!

In 1992 when the Prop passed through Bega for the first time, he stopped at an establishment called the "Toddle Inn".  There the Prop purchased the very best hamburger "with the lot" that he has ever eaten.  Indeed every hamburger that the Prop has ever eaten since has been quite deliberately compared to the legendary "Bega Burger of '92".  The Prop has to report that the "Toddle Inn" no longer exists.  In its place (well actually about two or three blocks away) there is now a "McDonalds Family Restaurant" where yesterday the Prop purchased a "Brazil Burger" for lunch.

It hardly needs to be said but the Bega Burger of '92 remains the standard by which all other burgers will continue to be judged.  Put another way, I'd rather have a Bega Burger than a Brazilian any day - so much more flavour!


PK said...

Well done to smile Mrs P. Or is it the morph? You might car to consult Thumper's boy Oliver, Whale. His now wife suffered the same fall and double wrist fracture. The became 'very close' due to daily hygeine assistance needs!

PK said...
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