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Friday, April 28, 2023

28 April 2023 - Albury

Up betimes to undertake a sentimental journey through Mrs P's childhood - and, to seek out MAMA.

As a general observation, it would be fair to say that there have been a few changes in Albury since the 1950's. 

The Prop first visited Albury in 1975, at which time the intersection on which the Post Office stood was the only one controlled by traffic lights and the main highway between Sydney and Melbourne still ran through the middle of town.

Nevertheless, we were able to locate Mrs P's childhood home, the location of which must remain secret out of respect for the current owners who might otherwise be inundated by paparazzi. 

Having said that, Mrs P was not impressed by the somewhat unkempt appearance of the former family seat. The current owners are either too busy to attend to a bit of home maintenance OR are committed environmentalists unwilling to cut, prune or mow plants of any description.
The family seat of Mrs P as at 2014 (or one very much like it) - before falling into disrepair

Next, a visit to the final resting places of some close relatives and time for reflection on the meaning of life.
The autumn of life?

Then came a leisurely stroll through town to appreciate the pre-Federation architecture including the notable and substantial Albury Post Office - an undoubted symbol of the unbridled optimism of the early inhabitants.

Such optimism was not without a very good foundation. Albury was, in the 1890's, almost certain to become the national capital of the new Australian federation. However, on the day the "selection committee", made up of politicians, came to Bungambrawatha (the original and Aboriginal name of Albury) a giant dust storm engulfed the town, thus dashing all hopes of the locals! 
The Albury Post Office - a portent of things to come?

Next, and almost by accident, the Prop found his MAMA!
MAMA - apparently, for the artist, there are no easy answers

It is pretty clear that there is a thriving and vibrant arts community in Albury where stylish, even outlandish, post-Federation architecture seems to have found a home.
 An example of stylish and outlandish post-Federation Albury architecture - or is it an advertisement for beer?

Although ostensibly a friendly and welcoming place, there is some evidence that lasting and meaningful friendships may be hard to make in Albury. A large sign opposite the Post Office proclaims "Mates Limited"
Albury - apparenty a difficult place to make friends since 1850

Rather more sedate post-Federation architecture. How the mighty have fallen! Temperance & General Insurance (T&G) and Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) are no longer what they once were.

Just off the main street (Dean St) there was a café where, in 1991, the Prop consumed  an "Orange Lazarus" - a frozen concoction which instantaneously led to a form of "brain freeze",  a transient but extremely painful condition affecting the nose and cerebellum in particular. It therefore came as no surprise to the Prop that that establishment has now gone out of business.

(For more information about the "Orange Lazarus" see:

The café which formerly sold the popular but painful Orange Lazarus

A close-up photograph of an Orange Lazarus (or one very much like it). ( I know, it looks like a Brown Lazarus, but I couldn't find an Orange one!)

Finally, and mysteriously, whilst searching for the ladies' hair salon formerly  frequented by Mrs P's late mother (the business was owned and operated by one Lola Wigg) the Prop found instead, a "small bar" which is, paradoxically, operated by "Temperance & General Albury Pty Ltd" (T&G?). 
Possibly Australia's  only Temperance Bar

Although unable to find Lola Wigg, we did stumble upon a gentlemens' hairdresser where only strong men go in the deep hours to have their hairs shortened - the "Dude Hut". On reflection, the Dude Hut may well be part of the thriving and vibrant Albury arts community.
The Dude Hut - where stylish dudes go to get half cut


Anonymous said...

Creative and informative posts so far. Riveting stuff

Seals said...

Thanks Dude!