Thursday, September 8, 2011
8 September 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
7th September
Venice! Remarkable. All the tourist brochures say that the first thing you should do in Venice is get lost in the back streets. In the Prop's experience this is something that one does not need to try to do. Indeed, the art of staying in Venice is working out how NOT to get lost!
Dined last night at a Trattoria which is directly beneath the Prop's apartment. (snap - note the washing).
Off to the islands today (Wed). Would have gone yesterday but the water buses (vaporetti) were on strike. Nit sure why. Something to do with Italy being broke I think. Not sure how not going to work will fix the problem - but what would the Prop know about Italian economics
Saturday, September 3, 2011
3 September 8.45 pm AESTHETIC
The problem with modern travel is that the journey is complete rubbish and must be endured as a necessary means of arriving at the destination, whereas once upon a time the journey was an end in itself. Voyage by packet steamer or on the Orient Express. Where has the romance gone?
Perhaps these Emirates hosties may know the answer!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
31 August 2011
After nearly four years in recess the Prop is back!
Not,as you might suppose, because it is Rugby World Cup time again - which it is. No, the Prop, who has a heart like a cauliflower and a wallet like a Brussel sprout has agreed to take his wife to Italy for two weeks - the last of which co-incides with the first week of RWC 2011. In fact, as luck would have it, the Prop will be in Firenze for the Wallabies' first game of the tournament- against Italy! Forza Wallabies!
No Mcrent Reisemobil this time. The Prop, his wife and their elder son, "the Samnambulist" will travel by train and will be accommodated in modest yet stylish apartments with rooftop gardens fabulous views and free wifi.
The "Rapid Tour of Tuscany, Umbria and Adjacent Precincts" will begin in earnest (actually it will begin in Venice) on 3 September 2011. We arrive just in time to completely miss the Grand Regatta which finishes about an hour after our plane lands - Mi dispiace! - but right in the middle of the Venice International Film Festival. (The Prop is a little concerned that he may be mistaken for George Clooney. The Prop's wife says he has nothing to be worried about!)
With good luck and regular wifi this promises to be a gem of a tour, so stay tuned (as it were) for the next instalment which will almost certainly feature beautiful photographs of exciting (although more exotic) locations like this:-