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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

7th September

After a short break, the Prop is back in business! Unlike most other cities in the western world, Venice has only 2 mobile phone shops - and the Prop only ever managed to find one. Whether the second one exists at all is a matter of conjecture. Anyway after a brief but confusing lesson on the idiosyncrasies of Italian telecommunications the Prop is up and running - or at any rate, walking quite quickly.

Venice! Remarkable. All the tourist brochures say that the first thing you should do in Venice is get lost in the back streets. In the Prop's experience this is something that one does not need to try to do. Indeed, the art of staying in Venice is working out how NOT to get lost!

Dined last night at a Trattoria which is directly beneath the Prop's apartment. (snap - note the washing).

Off to the islands today (Wed). Would have gone yesterday but the water buses (vaporetti) were on strike. Nit sure why. Something to do with Italy being broke I think. Not sure how not going to work will fix the problem - but what would the Prop know about Italian economics


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