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Saturday, September 3, 2011

3 September 8.45 pm AESTHETIC

Sitting at Gate11 at Tullamarine having spent the best part of two hours getting through security, customs and various Asian tour groups, it occurs to me that these damned terrorists have a lot to answer for - 10 years from "9.11" (or 11/9 more correctly)

The problem with modern travel is that the journey is complete rubbish and must be endured as a necessary means of arriving at the destination, whereas once upon a time the journey was an end in itself. Voyage by packet steamer or on the Orient Express. Where has the romance gone?

Perhaps these Emirates hosties may know the answer!


1 comment:

PK said...

Well done Whale; I look forward to ongoing posts from you and Lizley during your trip. Having ensured that we won't be getting diatribe about the 'complete rubbish of modern travel' - it having been dispensed with in Blog Number 1, I yearn for the Heart of the Matter.

I notice the hosties have their scarves attached to their heads, and draping down their right side. I can't fathom it. Your view?

Also, whilst you are away, please keep up with the political and legal debates back home.

"This approach has been described as one of "obvious good sense"[62]. It reflects a principle of wide application embodied in what Pearce and Geddes call the "difficult-to-translate maxim"[63], expressum facit cessare tacitum."

Please translate French CJ's position here.

Yours; Bote.