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Saturday, April 29, 2023

April 29 2023 - Albury to Cootamundra

Up betimes to visit the historic Albury Railway Station. When constructed in the late 19th century, the 455 metre long platform was then the longest in Australia and was necessary to accommodate trains from both the colonies of New South Wales and Victoria which were of differing gauges. 
The Tadpole (L) parked at the Albury Railway Station. Road meets rail!

The 455 metre long platform at Albury

Thence to Monument Hill, a war memorial which in 1975 gave a tremendous view of the whole of Albury. Alas, in the last 50 years Albury has grown much larger as have the eucalyptus trees on Monument Hill which now serve to block the panorama which lies below.

Next, we sallied forth to our intended destination, Cootamundra. However rather than taking the Hume Freeway, we charted a less direct route via what one might call the "back passage" to a small town called Burrumbuttock - located not very far from Urana!
Burrumbuttocks - located side by side - like Albury and Wodonga!

Burrumbuttock General Store - a very cheeky little establishment

Burrumbuttock Public Hall - behind the times?

Then to Walla Walla (so good they named it twice) for morning tea - a cappuccino and a huge Anzac biscuit. 

Inspected the local art scene, including the impressive water tower "mural" and pre- Federation architecture...and the butcher's shop.
Walla Walla Water Tower Art Mural ((WWWTAM)) - doesn't make sense)

Walla Walla pre- Federation Bank - both a bank and residence

Walla Walla Butchery - where the steaks are much too high!

Most surprising of all was Mackie Bros' "Walla Walla Emporium" at which establishment the proprietors proudly boast that they are the "Universal Providers" of "everything"!!

Mackie Bros Emporium - the home of everything!

Passed through Wagga Wagga (so good they named it twice) and, at length, arrived in "Coota" to stay at the Cootamundra Showgrounds Campground. Powered sites for $20 per night - a genuine bargain of the kind not even Mackie Bros' of Walla Walla could hope to match!
The Tadpole at rest in the dying rays of the sun, at Cootamundra.


Phillip Kimber said...

Can one have a nobscured panorama, or is there no panorama because it is obscured. There are calls for the sacking of the sub editor.

Anonymous said...

Similarly I would have wished to see a ‘non-photo’ of said ‘non-panorama’ to prove beyond reasonable doubt that it no longer can be seen

Anonymous said...

Apologies for the non-attributed comment’ - ‘non-ness’ appears quite catching even this far north.
Fife Taff

Seals said...

"nobscured panorama" - doesn't make sense!

Seals said...

Dear Fife Taff, you are not the first to note that all comments appear to be made by "Anon". I cannot say why this is so it I only use Google, I don't own it!

Seals said...

A non-photo was provided! You must have missed it!