Unable to secure a booking on the Spirit of Tasmania until August, Mrs P suggested that we should ressurect our 1987 Hi-Ace Sunliner® campervan in order to undertake the planned tour of particular parts of the Antipodes.
Recently re-christened as "the Tadpole" (being the smaller, yet no less robust, brother of "the Cane Toad") the Tadpole was first purchased in 2003 in order to attend sundry fixtures forming part of the 2003 Rugby World Cup - Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney (not to mention Bateau Bay - where no RWC fixture took place but which the Prop remembers very fondly). [It is a curious thing indeed that we use the phrase "not to mention" by way of introduction to actually mentioning the very thing that we claim not to be mentioning!]
Any reader who has not yet lost interest would, by now, likely be wondering why it is that the Prop still owns a 36 year old vehicle which has little or no claim to be "classic" or even "vintage" but nevertheless, quite old.
The Prop also wonders! But, there it is!
Perhaps the Prop is a "hoarder". (The Prop also owns a 1991 Nissan Patrol which took him and his family around Australia in 1993).
Alternatively the Prop may be a vintage car enthusiast. More likely, however, the Prop has developed sentimental attachments to inanimate objects which he believes (rightly or wrongly) have served him well. (In 2014, the Prop was offered A$1,500 for the Nissan Patrol as a trade-in! It took all of the dignity that the Prop could muster to prevent the Prop from punching the offending used car salesman in the nasal region!)
But I digress.
The Tadpole sets sail from Devonport on Anzac Day (25 April). Meanwhile, the Prop and Mrs P have set about preparing their conveyance for the ordeal that lies ahead. The on-board 3 Way refrigerator, microwave, griller, television and water pump have all been tested and found to be operating satisfactorily. As yet, the Porta Potti has not been rigorously or fully tested.
What could possibly go wrong!
Do you have adequate supplies of “produits Aqua Thetford” to “utiliser uniquement”?
I'm finding it difficult to understand. You say you couldn't get a booking until August, then later state you are booked on the ANZAC Day sailing from Devonport. Please clarify.
If indeed you are on the ANZAC Day sailing, is it one departing in the morning, or is it a night sailing on ANZAC Day?
I too am on an ANZAC Day sailing but from Geelong, and in the evening of ANZAC Day.
Perhaps we might cross swords (not to bring into the debate the dearly departed Ronald Ward)....
The caravan is higher than 2.1m, the campervan is not, hence no room for caravans but plenty of room for vehicles under 2.1 m high. We are on the 6.45pm sailing from Devonport. I reckon we will be like ships passing in the night!
We are looking forward to reading your travel tales. Tried to send a signal from Penguin but when we looked at the Marine app you were a fair way out.
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