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Sunday, May 21, 2023

21 May 2023 - Yass to Bateman's Bay

Up betimes to greet a rather grim morning in Yass. Cold (0 degrees), cloudy and persistent misty rain.

Decided to head straight to the coast and Bateman's Bay where the predicted (and as it turns out, actual) maximum of 20 degrees!

Not far from Yass the weather began to gradually improve and by the time we reached Braidwood it was still a bit cool but clear.

Braidwood is located in Walbanga Country at an elevation of just over 640 metres. European settlers first arrived in the 1820's but again, the predominant surviving architecture is Federation era - and a little bit of late Georgian and Victorian - and there is quite a bit of it.

The Braidwood Hotel - 1859

Braidwood Museum, circa 1840

Braidwood Literary Institute, 1869

Braidwood Post Office, 1865

Len Mutton & Co, 1913
Royal Mail Hotel - kebabs available!

Len Mutton & Co - customer service dressed up as lamb
Galland Elder Lawyers - solicitors for Old Age Pensioners?

Small & Gray Lawyers - solicitors who ARE Old Age Pensioners!
The Albion Hotel, circa 1872

Braidwood Bakery, 1932

Bateman's Bay,  perfick!

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