Upon making further Inquiry of Jess the Landlord she informed the Prop that she was happy for us to remain in situ until the road re-opened. And so we did, but not before standing on the footpath for half an hour or so to encourage the more or less constant stream of Ironpersons riding their titanium bikes.
Left Little Palm Cabin No. 3 at about 11.15 a.m. after checking with Paul Cook who was said that he was in Port Macquarie as part of the support team for his son in law. However the Prop suspects that Cooky was in fact competing in the Masters Division of the event as he claimed that he was unable to meet the Prop for the very first interstate meeting of the WWS. In fact he formally appled for an adjournment which the Prop reluctantly (and somewhat dubiously) granted.
Heading for Woolgoolga, it occurred to the Prop that recent amendments to the Corporation's Law permit the holding of annual general (and other) meetings by "electronic means".
Accordingly, having taken what turned out to be the very confusing "Tourist Route No 12" and ended up in South West Rocks, the Prop instigated a video call to Mr Cook by which means the very first interstate meeting of members of WWS was duly declared open. There being no business on the agenda (other than vacating the adjournment that had been granted to Mr Cook earlier that same day) the meeting was unanimously acclaimed a great success and duly declared closed.
Having been very seriously "geographically embarrassed" by Tourist Route No 12, the Prop, somewhat inadvisedly, embarked on Tourist Route No 15!
The result of this very poor decision-making was that instead of arriving at Woolgoolga as originally intended, the Prop and Mrs P found themselves at the Foreshore Caravan Park at Nambucca Heads!
This days between times journey seems to end abruptly and inconclusively. This reader looks forward to a better literary style next between times...just saying.
Well sod ya, then!
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